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24/03/21, 23:00

The cows can now eat and go back to resting whenever they want

Philip Mattinson

320 cows, Cumbria

Philip Mattinson runs a herd of 320 cows on Rosewain farm in Wigton, Cumbria. In 2019, the farm were proud recipients of a prestigious Burke Trophy for best dairy pairs with their renowned Ayrshire dairy cows.

As a progressive and forward-thinking farmer, Philip is always interested to hear about new products and services that can offer different approaches to how he runs his farm. After being informed by his Area Manager from CIS, his milk recording organisation, Philip decided to incorporate the CIS PregCheck Milk Pregnancy Test service into his pregnancy diagnosis regime. Since then, he has been using the test on his whole herd routinely every month for over a year.

Philip is primarily using the PregCheck service to identify pregnant cows that are at least 28 - 35 days post breeding. The whole testing process is done once per gestation.

Using the PregCheck service eliminates the time his cows are kept back waiting for the vet to come. When the animals come into the milking parlor, Philip can draw samples without interrupting milking or causing any stress. The cows can now eat and go back to resting whenever they want.

"It’s a labor-saving, time-efficient, and hassle-free method to check cows’ pregnancy. Now, I can accurately pregnancy check with little effort needed. I’m delighted with the benefits the test brings and would highly recommend it to other farmers".

Philip Mattinson
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