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Easily test for pregnancy on a small blood sample 

What about Alertys Ruminant as your new normal?

Massive boost for your herd's productivity and profitability

With Alertys Ruminant, you can forget about stressful rectal examinations. This laboratory-based test provides farmers with consistent, accurate pregnancy diagnosis results – from as soon as 28 days after service.


Pursue your optimum calving interval with Alertys Ruminant, by providing safe, ongoing pregnancy confirmation at critical stages.


With the same sample, you can also test for ‘iceberg’ diseases such as Johne’s or BVD. And with an accuracy of >99%¹, results from this less-invasive cow pregnancy test will help you make the right decisions about individual cows – early, and with confidence. 


By identifying and removing sub-fertile cows earlier, you can improve operational and reproductive efficiency. 

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¹Fosgate GT, Motimele B, Ganswindt A, Irons PC. A Bayesian latent class model to estimate the accuracy of pregnancy diagnosis by transrectal ultrasonography and laboratory detection of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins in dairy cows. Prev Vet Med. 2017;145:100–109. doi:10.1016/j.prevetmed.2017.07.004

Good for the farm


Alertys Ruminant improves your herd’s reproductive performance, providing earlier pregnancy diagnosis – as early as 28 days post-service.


Because the test is lab-based, it’s easy to run multiple tests on the same blood sample. As well as pregnancy diagnosis, add tests for Johne’s, BVD, individual metabolic profiles and more.


Alertys Ruminant is the ideal pregnancy diagnosis tool to support structured, interval testing. More frequent confirmatory testing in later stages of pregnancy helps you make better, more informed decisions about your herd and individual animals.

Good for the cow

Image by Jasper Garratt

Alertys Ruminant is a less-invasive test.


No rectal examination, no palpation, so it’s less stressful for your cows – and risk-free for the developing foetus.

Good for the Vet


By using Alertys Ruminant as part of a structured testing programme, you and your Vet can focus on the cows that need help.


Rather than performing a pregnancy diagnosis on all cows in the herd, Vets can instead focus on the cows that really need attention: those that are sick, those that have aborted, or those that aren’t getting in-calf.


Also, your Vet will have more time available to spend on herd health plans: devising and refining strategies to improve fertility, minimise lameness, maximise milk production and optimise profitability.

Just a few drops of blood – that’s all it takes

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Easily detect open cows from day 28 after service, using serum or plasma samples

Samples are sent to the lab and results are received automatically in few days

Confirm pregnancy status of heifers, dairy/beef cattle, goats, bison, water buffalo

Expand testing options using the same sample, e.g tests for Johne's or BVDV


>99% accuracy¹, using reliable method from trusted ELISA technology

Ideal for optimising reproductive efficiency, thus improving profitability

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Want to try out the test, or simply receive more information?

We collaborate with many veterinary laboratories to provide Alertys Ruminant testing services that are tailored for the farmers.


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Sometimes need results immediately? No problem!

As an addition you might also want to use Alertys OnFarm with results in 5-20 minutes. This test is done on a small blood sample. This option is most ideal for flexible testing. For example, when the Vet is present and you want to double-check a specific cow to check if she is still pregnant, without the added stress of putting her through a rectal exam.


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